What happens, when the coronavirus enters your body ?

What actually happens, when the coronavirus enters your body? How coronavirus infects your lungs? SARS CoV-2 or COVID-19

What actually happens, when the coronavirus enters your body?
What actually happenswhen the coronavirus enters your body?

 or COVID-19

It belongs to the family of coronaviruses. It's named for crownlike spikes on their surfaces.
SARS CoV-2 can cause COVID-19 which is a viral infection, that attacks your throat and lungs.

What actually happens, when the coronavirus enters your body?

The coronavirus after entering your body, it has to infect living cells in order to reproduce. In a closer look, inside of any the virus, genetic material contains the information to make more copies of itself. A protein shell makes a cover to protect for the genetic material of coronavirus. When the virus travels between humans it infects their cells. Coronavirus has an outer envelope, that allows the virus to infect cells by merging with the cell's outer membrane. A typical influenza virus and the new coronavirus use their spikes to get inside a cell in your body. One spike on the virus inserts into a receptor molecule on your healthy cell membrane which allows the virus to get inside of your cell. Coronavirus doesn't need to enter the host cell nucleus to access the host cell’s parts. It controls ribosomes to reproducing. Ribosome uses genetic information from the virus to make viral proteins. By this help of new viral protein, new coronavirus begins to come off from the cell's membrane.

How coronavirus spreads in humans?

When an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes, then their droplets carrying the virus may land in your mouth or nose and then move into your lungs. Once coronavirus came inside your body, the virus comes into contact with cells in your throat, nose or lungs. Its starts reproducing from your body cell.

 How coronavirus infects your lungs?

When you breathe, air passes through your  Windpipe -->Bronchi --> Bronchioles --> Alveoli --> Capillaries.

Windpipe or trachea is the first part where the air goes after your breathing.
Bronchi- Then it cames into large tubes which called bronchi.
Bronchioles- Then it goes to smaller tubes which are called bronchioles
Alveoli- then from bronchioles, it cames to alveoli which is a tiny sack. This body is very much flexible and springy.
Capillaries- This is small blood vessels which surrounds your alveoli.

 Oxygen passes throw alveoli-COVID-19
Oxygen passes throw alveoli

When you breathe in, your every alveolus or each air sac inflates like a small balloon. And when you exhale, the sacs deflate. Oxygen from the air you breathe passes into your capillaries, then carbon dioxide from your body passes out of your capillaries into your alveoli so that your lungs can get rid of it when you exhale. This is the function of your lungs. Now, most germs cames to your body from this process. Then your immunity system catches them and stored in a form of mucus that lines your trachea, bronchi. Then your body constantly pushes the mucus and germs out of airways where you may expel them by coughing. Your immunity system attacks virus or germs which pass from bronchia and bronchioles and enter your alveoli. But if your immunity system s weaken, in the case of coronavirus can overwhelm your immune cells and your bronchioles and alveoli become inflamed. The inflammation can cause your alveoli to fill with fluid, which makes it difficult for your body to get the oxygen that your body needs. This can cause pneumonia.

Patient in a ventilation system- COVID-19
Patient in a ventilation system

This pneumonia caused difficulty breathingchest painCoughingheadache, muscle pain, fever and chills.
In serious conditions, it can become the reason for respiratory failure. Your breathing became too much difficult that for breathing you need a ventilator.

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